Porcelain Oriental Vase

Started by Rajet, Apr 15, 2018, 21:42:46

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I found this beauty yesterday at a thrift store.  The vase is about 12 1/2" tall.  I believe the green writing on the bottom says something like Oriental Handpainted In China.  I would love to have the characters interpreted, find out the artist and the age, etc.  I appreciate all comments.  Thank you.





Hello, this vase is nicely painted in the Republican style. The mark, however, is a Jingdezhen mark, which was not used until the PRC as far as I know, so your piece is 1950s at the earliest.


Thank you, Bokaba!  I appreciate this information!


The decoration is printed and hand drawn which I think would make it a much later item in my opinion.


Hi Stan!

Could you please tell me where you see printing?  I've looked at this through a loupe, especially paying careful attention to all of the black lines, and thus far, found it to be all hand painted.  Please let me know where I should look again.  Thank you!


Printing is essentially where they lay a stencil over the piece to put down the outlines of what they want to paint and then fill in the spaces with colored enamels. A true antique would not be painted in this manner.


Hi Rejet, if you look closely at the band of ruyi at the top of the vase it is easy to see that it was transferred, notice how they do not line up evenly, if it was hand drawn the ruyi would be more even, it would have never been drawn this way, it was probably redrawn to fill in the obvious brakes normally seen on transfer ware to make it look hand drawn.


Thank you both for your replies!  Stenciling is probably what I am surely seeing on parts of it.  I appreciate your comments!


We can take this even a step further, with a common guideline. Even in a case when everything is hand-painted and not transfer printed etc. -- if a similar neck and shoulder decoration, as well as the one along the base, is present, then this is 20th century, not Qing, and probably also never early republic, and more likely on the later side.

The decoration did exist in the Qing dynasty, but it was virtually never painted in black.


Peter, very good to know!  Especially about the black.  That really helps rule out quite a few questions.  Thank you!

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