New or Old Bowl?

Started by Peace, Mar 18, 2014, 01:07:14

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Hi Peter,

is it a new or old bowl?

Is it fake?

What is the marking ?

Any help would be appreciated!



I believe that the mark is a spurious Kangxi mark and the bowl could be early 20th century, but the bottom looks to be a more recent made item.


Hi, the images are not conclusive, but it is unlikely genuine Kangxi, unless you paid thousands or tens of thousands of dollars for it. If it were authentic, this would be from the official kiln, imperial ware, with an imperial Kangxi mark, and it would likely be Falangcai (see
However, there are lots of fakes of such bowls swimming about out there. If you see this offered anywhere  online, I wouldn't buy it. A genuine M&P item of that period would probably only appear in one of the major auctions, and it would come with a fairly high price tag.
See an example: