Kangxi globular vase

Started by T. Chan, May 19, 2014, 03:36:52

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T. Chan

Dear Peter, Stan, and All,
Here I post a globular vase believed to be Kangxi. Could anyone help me with the period and translate the the Chinese words?
The pictures are taken with camera phone but the color looks 95% alright. Thank you.

PS: to Stan, here is the one I am talking about in the 18 Demigod thread...
T. Chan


I'm afraid this is a fake. Virtually everything is wrong, the colors, glaze, the mark, bottom, everything. The "globular" describing the shape is already pointing to a fake. There were no globular shapes in the Qing dynasty. This shape is from much later.
The bottom is far from a real Qing dynasty bottom, no matter which period. Some of the colors are clearly from the 20th century.

T. Chan

Thanks a lot Peter. What more can I say, but you are the best. I learn alot from you. Once again, thanks. Do you know what book I should have if I want to learn Qing colors from each period? Thanks.

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