A marked Jian ?hare?s fur? tea bowl

Started by heavenguy, Jan 31, 2018, 09:57:52

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This is the tenmoku cup I mentioned in another post.
The diameter is 12.4 cm and 7 cm tall approx.

Reading some material on identifying this piece and its as following,

1.- Sound when tapped dull. Like clunk.
2.- crackles visible after 10x.
3.- They mention metallic dust specks under 10x. I will attached a mic photo. I don't known if the ones on the photos are the metallic dust.
4.-no repairs. It looks in very good shape if antique. (this bothers me a little) has wear don't get me wrong. It also has light scratches, but I don't know. The glaze looks in very good condition too. But then again, they say Japanese people take good care of their things.
5.- The foot rim is not to sharp but not to soft. What I notice is that the unglazed part is very porous.

6.- They also mention that the glaze and the unglazed part looks like if the glaze is shrinking. I really don't know what that means.

7.- I want to add another one that I notice. There is some foot rims similar to mine, and mine looks like porous, like with little holes in the unglazed part. I tried cleaning it with some water, and it absorbed the water like in 10 seconds. And it was a lot. It also gave this smell of old cavern when wet.

I know that old earthenware items with time become very porous. They can replicate that in very low fire but not this type of glaze. So I don't know if Stoneware items such as this, they become porous with time.

Anyways, I know its a hard item to identify but Its nice to chat about this sort of things...

any help will be of much help.


This is the foot rim, the color is a little bit more red.


Also, another thing I forgot to mention is the mark. and the glaze. I heard that the glaze usually tilts from one side to another because when they put it in the kiln, it was sort of tilt. So thats why the glaze usually tilts to once side. Mine not, but that doesn't mean I have not seen examples with almost perfect  circle glaze.

I notice that with inscribed examples, the glaze is usually almost perfect.  and if you look at the hair fur brown glaze, there is sort of a tilt to the direction where the big drip drop is.

anyways, thank you in advance.


That with the glaze running to one side is not valid for all types of bowls or kilns. It is predominant in older wares. like those of the Song dynasty, and specific kilns of that period.
The metal that the site mentions should be gold specks.
Enlarging with a microscope is overkill, I'm afraid. It is more difficult to see the crazing this way. The porosity looks okay, and the color could be darker, but it is still within the range. The darkest have a completely black clay. Sizes and shapes differ slightly, however what is important is that the black and brown glazes were applied separately. The one being thinner slides down easily, resulting in this appearance.

Yeah, the mark...if your item is authentic, then it means that you have imperial ware, with this mark. Otherwise these bowls have no marks.


Hi Peterp,

I been reading a lot of books and learning a lot each day. I thank you and you forum and website because I'm learning a lot. With the knowledge I'm acquiring, I hope one day i'll be ready to help others in the same way you do.

I have a few items that may seem important so a hands on inspection is required for this items.  I think my collection has increased with some great items. I been selling the cheaper and less value ones to get more expensive ones. My collection is increasing by a lot and less fakes than before.  Anyways, thank you very much and Kudos to you sir.