A song type rope pot

Started by heavenguy, Mar 05, 2018, 08:52:59

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Here is the rest of the pictures hope they are better.

thank you for your help


forgot to mention that the more clean part of the inside bottom, seems a little raised from the rest. I made aa Draw that probably explains what I mean. Hope this helps.


Does the middle inside look/feel the same as the walls? Or is it rougher or more smooth, or in any way different? Can you scratch the bottom inside or outside?
What is odd basically is that the yellowish brown base has a different color than the unglazed interior, which looks normal.


The walls of the inside kind of the jar look and feel the same way when touching the bottom of the foot rim. The less dirty part inside the jar, the middle, feels different, kind of hollow. Like if the plastered with a similar material but not in a very high temperature. You can see the difference in color in this photo


also i don't see any wheel turnings on the bottom. i don't know if they must have or not.


>a similar material but not in a very high temperature

I see we are on the same frequency now! That is what I was suspecting after seeing that other item. It could be that a repair or replacement had a different consistency, but from pictures alone it is impossible to see.
The other item just looked as if something was being covered, the bottom material did not appear to have been turned.


Okey, this explains a lot.

So basically this is some type of Qingbai jar that got damaged. When they repair it, they put a plastered paste on the inside and in the middle of the foot rim. Since it was fired at a more lower temperature, it became more porous and that is why it got this more of a reddish color on the bottom than on the inside of the jar. Also, since it got re-heated in a Kiln, maybe that made the jar more susceptible and got this crackle lines and dead bubbles over time, especially from one of the sides.

Thank you Peterp...


HI Peter, and Heavenguy, I received my digital microscope  and have been using it on the antique porcelain so far I have not come across any dead bubbles but I am very pleased with the images it produces, the down side for me is I have a iMac computer and it will only work if I use photo booth and then it dose not have all the functions it would normally have if I had a Window's software computer, but the images produced for $23.00 are worth it, thanks for sharing, this is very interesting I would like to learn more about it, I can see the difference in bubbles from my Chinese export Qianlong to the early republic big deference in the look but I am still trying to figure out what I am looking for, thanks again for the information, the digital microscope that I purchased is called a Cooling Tech digital microscope for smart phone and USB computers, OOOOOP's I just found the name on a microscopic lable and used the microscope to see it "Jiusion 40 to a 1000x M...., the other name given is in the manual,


Hey Stan,

The process it?s called ?glaze bubble identification?. If I make a mistake, please correct.

Basically, when the glaze gets heated inside the kiln, the water vapor that leaves the glaze forms bubbles behind. Modern methods of using the Kiln and more modern Kilns produce very small and more in order glaze bubbles, (less random locations).

The antique Kilns produced, bigger bubbles of different shapes and sizes and in random locations. There is a correlation between dynasties and glaze bubbles. Of what I understood (using google translate), The bubble has a 3 stage life cycle.

1.- when its created
2.- The second is wear and use.
3.- is the dead of the bubble itself.

Basically, modern, republic and late qing will be on stage 1. but from mid qing and bellow, bubbles start to die because of stage 2. Technically, you expect to see some dead bubbles on some type of porcelain. If it shows a dead bubble, it probably means that is at least 200 years old. Now, not all antique porcelain shows dead bubbles but they will have bubbles of different sizes and such. Some antique glazes, especially the ones  fired in low temperature, don?t show bubbles at all, (example tang).

The bubbles, depend on the dynasty and each dynasty has its own material sources and the method of how they were produced. So if a piece is of a certain era, you expect to see or not see bubbles of certain sizes, dead bubbles, or shapes.

A dead bubble is a bubble that because of wear, heat or cold, or other damaging conditions, simply bursts. but before it dies, it can absorb or oxide, and change colors. When a bubble dies, it can also accumulate sedimentary particles, human finger oils, etc? some of this particles will change the color of the dead bubble.

A good example of this bubbles are the ones from the song dynasty "bubble cups" were you can see the bubbles without the need of a microscope. Another example of dead bubbles is something similar to this jar. Not really sure what happen, but I think it got stained with the iron oxide of the pot inside.  Kind of like when you stain a window without actually bursting the bubble.


They use this process with other identification methods in order to verify if a piece of Chinese porcelain is fake or not. Of what I can tell, they cannot replicate dead bubbles yet. They can create a piece of porcelain with old techniques and kilns and have bubbles of different sizes, but they cannot replicate all the years of bubble aging and wear.

Of what I can tell, there is no book that will show you how all the bubbles look around the different dynasties, glazes, kilns, etc? What I do to have some type of idea is that I go to google translate and use it for example, to search for ?yuan porcelain glaze bubble? and it will give me something like ??????. Then i google that and google translate any website that looks interesting or show some type of image similar to my piece.

Now, I know that this is not to reliable or to scientific, but thats the best I can do for now without speaking mandarin or cantonese.

Also iron spot oxidation looks very different from recent or faked oxidation spots. The antique ones leave like a small almost gradient or hombre look the more to the outer part it goes. As far as I know, there is not much interesting parts for the actual porcelain, stoneware, or earthenware piece other than the obvious fake dirt they apply that can be actually be seen with the naked eye.

oh also, you can use the little transparent size chart to have an idea of the size of the bubbles in micro measurements. But without a list on the size of the bubbles, who knows.

Now, this is what I can imagine on how is done by using google translate. When you start using it, you will see that it will say a lot of nonsense but  I guess is better than nothing.

Let me know if this helps or not.

Good luck and have fun!!!


Thanks Heavenguy, that gives me a start, I just posted a Song teapot with what appears to be dead bubbles, I hope that is what they are, it would give some age to the teapot, thanks again.