Started by Lumhechati, Nov 17, 2017, 18:49:06

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I have this large Kangxi Tianqiuping famille rose peach vase,it is a 3 piece luted together this vase has a lot of tiny rust spots covering it and some larger,there is a long black streak inside (firing fault) coal black resembling a (shape of) worm  firing fault inside the neck (large).I"ve been told it's a KANGXI 2 blue rings,the foot is period,glaze's are correct,but also was told (once) 19th century.I made a very close up highly detailed video of inside body,neck,outside body and and foot to help if anyone has a e-mail i could sent link to for video 4,45 min. to aid please let me know.o.k now is this Kangxi period and i'm in atlanta ga who can i take it too to certify.I have terminal lung and skin Cancer and tying up few things for my only child and grand childs.thank you anf God Bless  maybe if allowed a value



Without hands-on it is difficult to tell for sure, but two or three things...the crimson color did not yet exist in the Kangxi reign. A single ring mark may have existed, but I have never seen one on a vase. Generally the colors are too soft for Kangxi. Basically it should be fencai, but it is impossible to see in these pictures what kind of color this was painted with.


It's hard to see but close up will show two rings,I thought red was a color during Kangxi period. Still learning going to certifiers tomorrow with experts will post more was told by antique road show 18th century


Thanks for the additional pictures. It is clearer now. Looks more like late Qing dynasty to me.