Large Fencai bottle vase

Started by Stan, Nov 06, 2017, 03:17:57

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I have had this for awhile, it is very large and heavy, the hight is 66.7 cm tall and is heavily potted, their are 15 figures with mythical creatures, it has an apocryphal six character Qianlong mark, the bottom has pitting and firing cracks and rust spots, by the faces I would say this is from the 60's but I am not sure, your expertise is appreciated, I will post 11 photo's  to view, thanks.


Here are more photo's to view.


Here are 3 more photo's to view.


Last 2 photo's of the bottom, thanks again for viewing.


Hi everyone, I was going through some of the Items i have posted in the past and found this one did not get a response, hmmm is that because it might be New, Hmmmm, the mark is centered it just looks like it is not because of the angle the camera was to get the foot pictures. I was thinking maybe from the 60's ?


A few decades old at the best, in my view. The colors and color combination used, and the white glaze are on the later side.


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