Small pot

Started by Steve, Sep 06, 2017, 19:44:53

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Hi folks, I am hoping someone can identify this pot for me. I believe it could be Korean. Any information as to it's age and use etc...would be very much appreciated, Thank you. I can upload more photos if they are needed, but for tonight this is all I have.


Hi Steve, I'm not sure what this is I'm not sure if it is even asian, a photo of  the bottom could confirm this.


Hi Stan, Here is a photo taken just now and I have more but seem to be able to only upload one per time even though they are resized. Thank you for taking a look.


Here is another pic.


And another, thankyou.


It appears to be earthenware or some kind of stoneware, it looks old cast on sand by the looks of the bottom, I still do not have a clue to where is from, lets see if someone else can identify it.


Thank you Stan. I also think it is a type of stoneware. I collect 16th and 17th century German Stoneware and at one time sold such in The Netherlands. I used to stand at various antique markets etc. At one such market on the table opposite my own was a small grouping of five pots, this being one off the five. They were all completely different except all looking to be of Asian origin, to me at least. Definitely not European and all looked to have much age to them too. Another seller that I would see from time to time bought four of the pots and I managed to buy this chap. I met the same seller a few years later and he told me the four pots he had bought had been identified as Korean and either 9th or 12th century. I automatically assumed the same for this one too. I have never made any effort to find out more, until now.


Thanks for sharing, if this is Korean 9th or 12th century that would be a good find, please let me know if you find out that it is from that period, Old Korean items have gone up in value, you should have it looked at by someone that specializes in Korean pottery, maybe at a museum or a high tier auction house.


Thank you Stan for your help and advice, appreciated. Yes, of course if I can find out more I will let you know. Still hoping someone who visits the forum may see it and be able to add their knowledge.