famille verte vase

Started by quintenf, Apr 07, 2017, 00:09:11

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I got the vase which I believe is famille verte (style). Can someone give me any feedback on the color and standring of this item? is it 19th/20th century or kangxi period?



20th century, in my view. The faces, for example, show more detail than is usual in antiques. Antiques having that detail of faces (and other) do exist, but they are mostly imperial ware.


Thanks for the reply peterp. Does this mean that this is high quality 20th century? As I assume it's handpainted and the detail is better than the original pieces.


With 'original' you mean antiques?  They come in all kinds of quality. The point is that in general the people's faces, etc.  often were not painted with so much detail, except perhaps for export and imperial porcelain.  This one is neither, but it is better than some of the other 20th century items I have seen.