A Dragon bowl, 19th century???

Started by heavenguy, Jan 26, 2017, 02:22:35

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I also found this dragon Bowl of what I think is a late 19th century example. I don't know if a rotatory marks on the bottom will suggest otherwise.

Any information on this will be highly appreciate it.


Hi Heavenguy, this looks like 20th century to me, on the later side I'm afraid to say, I am seeing lots of items from China with the same bottom and similar decorations, the surface is to shiny in my opinion.


Hey Stan, I have seen pieces like this sell on eBay too.

I bought that with the Guangdong Jian Ding seal trusting that it "May" be real. But as you guys always mention, a export seal doesn't make a piece real. This foot rim is very common right now on eBay like you say. I wonder what will be the correct age of this bottom.


This is a censer with a Guangxu type dragon decoration. And it is a very common one. The ones I have seen usually do not have such a nice, smooth glaze without impurities. And the doubts Stan has about the bottom are valid, in my view.

We should ask ourselves why they would glaze the bottom and then scrape the glaze again off the bottom, and only partially. for firing.  The kilns would have avoided wasting time and labour on glazing if they would not need a glazed bottom. They usually had to work very efficient with the large batches produced. I would think they would not have glazed it in the first place.
A censer of the sames type I have here has a glazed foot rim, but a completely unglazed interior (aka sand) bottom.
When questions like that remain, the best would be to closely search the item for usage traces, with a magnifier.


I think I know what it may be the problem on the shiny glaze on all my new pieces. I know for sure that the estate sale organizer cleans the pieces with clorox wipes and other products. I know a person who works with her and she told me she cleans the pieces until they shine and almost all of my oriental pieces I buy comes from her. This time I didn't clean the pieces but they have like this silky paste on them. Most of my new pieces do have that silky shine. I don't know if I should clean them or not.

But coming back to the Censer, The foot rim is also glazed.  The inside of the censer is sand bottom but the corners are glazed. The bottom sand part looks a little bit dirty under a magnifier but I'm not sure if it is dirt or ashes. I guess they clean that too.  But like you say, I'm not really sure if they will benefit from faking something like this.


Anything that they can make money on is faked and now I am seeing a lot of Chinese export that is being faked on a large scale, I recently went into an Antique store and they had a whole set of dishes, the porcelain looked old but the decoration looked modern, even the blue looked good and then I went into another antique store and there was another set very similar and then I saw another set on the internet, I have even seen 20th century Chinese export that looks like  the old Chinese Export being sold at the high auctions. BTW when you clean the outside use soap and water, I would not clean the inside.


Than you Stand... I'll put better attention next time and I will clean as suggested.