Identifying of Chinese Plates

Started by ahmedalwan70, Jan 09, 2017, 10:59:05

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Hi everyone,
I'm new on this forum and this is my first topic here.
I have recently acquired two chines porcelain plates but have no clue about them.
Can you please help to identify the age of each plate.

Thanks in advance


The one on top would be second half of the 19th century, with an apocryphal Chenghua link as decoration.
The one below may be second half of 20th century, or thereabouts.


Many thanks peterp for the info. Much appreciated

So nothing valuable, however I did not pay much for them, the first plate attracts me more than the second one.
The first one measures only 5'' and has a light weight like an egg shell, while the second one measures 12'' with heavy weight like ceramic.
