Celadon plate

Started by Kasanti, Dec 24, 2016, 23:02:35

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Thank you, Peter.
How about this green celadon? My friend say it is fake.
What d you see?


the celadon dragon plate is pretty, i think it would be Song dynasty style, but i am sure they are going to ask for pictures of the backside of the plate to be sure about what it might be.


Here is the backside of celadon green plate
I hope it help


those holes in the rim, does it look like they were made when the plate was being made? or did someone drill two holes in it themselves? i am not an expert and someone who is well help you with this matter. but if those holes were made when the plate was being made, then its a bad sign i think. because i am sure that they didn't do that in that period that the style is from.


It was drilled so i can put thick wire to hang it on the wall


Your friend is right. It is a very obvious fake.


Dear Peter,
Please give me some clue why it is obviously fake.
Thank you so much


Where did you buy it? Who was the original owner? Do you have any papers, dated appraisals and old pictures? Provenance is everything because we have technology to fake things.


Hi billbilly,

I cant remember where the plate come from. It have been on my family collection since i was a child.
Like i say in another thread, my family love to collection things made from porcelain, woods, or another craft. We have more than 100 porcelain as home decor and still so many in our warehouse. We didnt know how value they are. So, i start to find out. Some of real antique, some of fake.

This celadon with dragon in the middle is one of my favorite plate. I feel sad to hear that it is fake. It 's so perfect to me. I can feel the texture and i wonder how can this beautiful art is a fake.  But it's ok. I still have another plate to discuss.


Hi billbilly,

Also papers, appraisals, old pictures, provenance could be fake too. At a certain level of spending power, you can find always someone who is able to perfectly reproduce anything you are looking for on the market, from a Leonardo painting to an heart valve. The best guarantee for collectors and antique buyers (contrarily to what is usually thought and advised)  is to pay beautiful and genuine-look item at the price of fake, because nobody is willing to make a perfect Song dinasty celadon dragon plate for 100 Euros. If you pay that sum for that plate you could purchase either a beatiful unmasked replica, or a valuable genuine piece than has not been understood by the seller.


Only if you buy it from someone with a bad reputation. I buy things from rich estates with titles, nobility, lineage, prominent names.