Two Vases

Started by cuinterrupted, Dec 21, 2016, 13:42:57

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Hello, I have two vases that I am not sure if they are Chinese or Japanese so forgive me if I posted in the wrong section. I am wanting to list these vases but I don't know anything about them to put in my listing so if anyone could help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Also wanted to ask about markings being on the inside of a vase? At first I thought it was just water marks from all the iron that may have been in the water but after looking at it further I think it is actually a bunch of markings but I also realize it may just be my hopeful wishing and my eyes thinking they see symbols or writing inside the vase. There is one mark for sure looks like a swish or an s and it is in black but the other stuff is in the rust colored area mostely and this is in the unmarked on the bottom vase. This vase is approx 9 inches tall.

The other vase, the smaller one has a marking I don't recall ever seeing one like it not even online anywhere so any help would again be appreciated. It also appears to have some kind of writing around the bottom rim underside but that too could be just wishful thiniking on my part. This vase is approx 6 inches tall.

I tried to combine photo's so I didn't have to post so many of the same photo's because different angles give different shapes or what have you and I wasn't sure what or which way or anything. I have attached the largest vase in these photo's and I will attach the smaller vase in a reply photo's. Thank you and Happy Holidays!


I'm afraid the shape, decoration style, colors used, and the whiteness of the glaze all point to an item that is very recent, perhaps late 20th or even 21st century. If with mark you mean the dark spot in the second picture from top, that looks more like some accidental production fault. The brown color is likely from something that has been placed inside, not from old age.

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