Extra help needed blue underglaze bowl

Started by hoogenbosch67, Oct 18, 2016, 20:33:46

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Hello Peter,

Can you give me your opinion on the underglaze blue bowl attached.

Thank you Jan Hoogenbosch


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This could be Chinese or Japanese, I believe it is late 20th or 21st century, the three blue lines on the bottom are trying to portray Arita ware " Japanese "  and the decoration inside is trying to portray Chinese decoration of peonies, the decoration is printed and the glaze is way to shiny to be of age even for Japanese that did printing in the late 19th century.


The foot rim looks Chinese while the shape is not a traditional Chinese shape. The decoration on the other hand looks Japanese, especially the band along the rim. The flowers of the rim band appear to be printed.
No matter whether Japanese or Chinese, it is not antique in my view.