HELP!!! Vung Tau Cargo Encrusted: KangXi

Started by smak, Sep 20, 2016, 09:33:51

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Hi guys,

I'm new to collecting antiques and need your help!

Is this item authentic?

What it's value?

What are your thoughts on encrusted porcelain? I personally find it cool that mother nature made this and in a art perspective its just unique.




Probably Qing dynasty, the bottom one shows a Kangxi pictorial mark.


Thanks! From the looks of this, does this encrusted bowl look authentic?


The mark should be in the center. It is odd that it is not, but occasionally an item has an off-center mark. Appearance may deceive, especially when viewed in pictures.
It is impossible to be completely sure if this is authentic from pictures alone, even more so if only a part of the item is shown. A hands-on inspection would be required.
Unfortunately, even shards and items with marine encrustations can be and are faked, as long as they can be sold. Labels are sometimes also not original; genuine labels are removed from authentic items and stuck unto fakes.
The only that can help is (1) an impeccable proof of source, or (2) a careful hands-on examination of porcelain items and what adheres to it, to make sure everything is genuine. This may require some knowledge of marine growth, because some fake items are lowered into the sea to imitate shipwreck items. But marine growth often is different at the depth of shipwrecks and near the surface.
Basically, I advise against buying such items if neither (1) nor (2) is applicable, and there is considerable cost involved in obtaining it for study.
Simply said, there are fake shipwreck items for sale too, please be careful.


Thanks Peterp!

What are your thoughts on this?,2337.0.html

I was told this could be a fake.. I just need to confirm it!

Thanks again!