Small "Dai Nippon" Kutani Vase ?????

Started by bokaba, Jul 13, 2016, 01:47:59

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Small vase with scenes cherry trees, pagodas, pavilions, and boats. I believe the mark is "Dai Nippon Kutani" ?????. My sense is that this is early 20th Century, but I was unable to find any reference to this specific mark.





Yep, that what it says... There is like hundreds of combinations on Kutani signatures and it depends on the studio, maker or artist. In my eyes this looks 20th century, probably second half.


This looks like it was made in an injection mould by the looks of  the bottom, I would say a few decades at the most.


Thanks Stan. I didn't really notice the square shape, I though it was round. I like the painting though.