Kangxi Marks on Copper Red Meiping Vase

Started by ray1968, Jun 08, 2016, 08:27:12

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I have a large Meiping shaped vase measuring just under 30 cms high and 16 cms at its widest. Decorated with what appear to be carp in various swimming positions around the vase in a copper red colour.  To the base is a very precise Kangxi mark. In the past it was drilled to create a lamp  as can be seen in the images. I would appreciate any thoughts as to whether the marks on the vase are of the period.




Hi Ray, I believe that this is new, the dirty foot rim should be a clue as to age, they put the dirt on to try to give it an older look, but the bottom looks recent as well, no age signs also the fish look to realistic for period piece in my view.