Porcelain vase

Started by Adriano, Apr 21, 2016, 23:00:18

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Hi Peter, also the peonies for me seems to be Chinese.
I have a late Qing vase with a quite similar drawing for the flowers, apart from the leaves.


I would need to see the bottom, the peony leaves look strange and the rock formation, usually you would see a phenix bird on late Qing, the shape and color could be late Qing but there are so many of these being shipped out of China it raises caution.


Is the flower a rose??? The shape and style of vase looks late Qing but I never seen a rose in this type of porcelain. Did they make roses for export China???


Hi to all, I think the flowers are peonies.
I have a Chinese certificate of antique, saying Ching Kuang HSU period (1875-1908).
The vase has also the Custom clearance wax seal.
There is no mark on the bottom; sorry I have no photo.

Have you any idea for the original post: porcelain box?


I'm afraid the certificate means nothing. These can be fake too. The wax seal has no relation at all to authenticity or the item itself, it only permits exporting it, but wax seals can be fake too.

As already mentioned, the vase itself looks like late Qing, but the painting style is strange.



Hi Adriano, here are a couple of vase that are brand-new from China, both for $300.00 USD.


Hi Stan, I get more photos.
I see some differences respect to your vases.
Apart from a celadon background, my vase seems to have signs of age: for instance spots of rust both outside than inside.
The blue is different, probably a mineral blue versus a chemical blue.

Thank you for your kind attention.


The Chinese are faking eveything these days even the dimples and the rust spots, I found the vases posted on eBay as I was searching, I saw them and thought of your vase, I still think the decoration on yours is a bit strange, for late Qing or early republic.


Hi Stan, thank you for your expertise.


Hi Adriano, what I have learned from Peter over the years is to look at everything. the design, color, shape, and age signs, at least when we apply these rules we are less likely to buy later copies or modern fakes, however as peter mentioned the good quality fakes incorporate all the above signs and it is very difficult to tell even among the expert, I do not claim to be an expert, but I have learned a quit a bit over the years, and even though I have learned a lot I still can be fooled by a good quality fake but my chances are less likely, there are other ways like rubbing the bottom of the foot, a lot of fakes make it really rough to give the appearance of age, antique Chinese porcelain would be smother to the touch, not all the time especially late Qing, but anything older would be smooth, also the bubbles are they large, medium or small and the density of the porcelain, keep in mind that these can be faked to but it makes it less likely on our part of getting a fake, good luck and hope we all can avoid them, Im sure that this web site is one of the best for avoiding fakes and learning how to avoid them, but I hate to say it but experience is the best teacher.


Hi Stan, thank you very much.
Thanks also to Peter and to all the members.
In my knowledge, this forum is the best for competence on antique Chinese porcelain.
I have discovered this site just recently: my contribution is very poor, I can just learn day after day.
I have more items to discuss and I will post them soon.
Thanks to all again.

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