Oriental small vase or jarlet

Started by carlyoung, Apr 09, 2016, 04:30:25

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Hi there

I have this little jar or small vase , approx. 3.5 inch tall , Modern studio piece? or something older?



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Not sure what you have. Looks as if it had some age, though.
The shape is not something the mainstream Chinese kilns did make, I think. The neck usually does not look like this, unless this is something made in a lesser kiln. I would be interested to learn where this was made. The gray color of the unglazed clay also seems a bit unusual.


Thanks Peter

It has been puzzling me for a while to be honest , Any additional Images of info just let me know .


There is a jar identical to yours on Etsy. If you drop your photo into Google image search, it should pull up the jar. (Unless the jar on Etsy is your jar?)


Hi there Lotsa

Yes the item that was on Etsy was my jar , I was informed that is was a studio pottery piece maybe 1970's , But that somehow never satisfied my curiosity about this piece so I decided to de-list it off the Etsy site while I find out more about it.

Best case scenario is that I find out it is an older piece and I can keep for my Chinese collection , worst case scenario I find out it actually is a studio piece circa 20th century and I put it up for sale again.

Do you know anything about it?


Hi Carly,
I know nothing, but agree that it does have the feel of a studio piece. It reminded me of some pieces a friend made during the '70s. He was a professional potter, and the color scheme and potting remind me quite a bit of his work. Sorry that I cannot be of more help. I was hoping that perhaps the Etsy description would be a direction in which to travel with this. I do think you are on the right track. Have you tried contacting Leach? Sometimes archives of work are kept. Good luck with your search.


Thanks Lotsa

Will maybe have to end up accepting it as a studio piece tbh