Rectangular B/W bowl

Started by heavenguy, Sep 14, 2016, 05:14:14

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Hello guys,

I also bought this rectangular bowl. In My opinion it's Japanese because the paintings. It has lot's of Kiln flaws and the foot rim looks very clean. I did;t clean it I promise.

Any ideas will be of much appreciate it.


more pics.


Wait, Is this Chinese Canton wear???


I think you were right the first time, Japanese, late 19th to early 20th century.


Hey Stan, the reason I thought it was Canton is because I found  a few similar ones with reign marks. And was reading the definition of Canton ware and it talks about similar scenery. But you are right. It looks more Japanese...


The Japanse were really big on this type of porcelain tray's and lidded box's and often have Chinese marks, there are lots of them also from the 70's through 80's but they look new, yours is old, the landscape and the figure to me points to Japanese copy of Chinese porcelain.


Thank you Stan... I'll trust my gut a little more.