Need confirmation on large vase

Started by hoogenbosch67, Mar 14, 2016, 03:14:31

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Need some confirmation of 2 objects.

First object vase height 58cm width 23cm opening 20cm weight 5kg400

Expected period 1920-1940 - diverse age marks

Can anybody translate chinese text on vase

Greatings Jan Hoogenbosch


extra photos



Can you look to this one.



This looks like a new piece, the dirty bottom made to give the appearance of age, the colors are to bright and again the writing looks fresh, I do not think that this is more than a couple of decades old.


The cyclical year given seems to be ??; not quite sure, though, because the strokes of the first character are written in a very simplified manner. This would mean 1918 or 1978, if accurate.
The lotus painting is probably second half of 20th century.

The vase body could be early 20th century or early republic, but the fact that the writing  shows no abrasion or fading from handling, unlike the red writing, is suspicious. Then, the lotus painting, as mentioned above can hardly be early republic.

There are three types of green visible in this painting. The olive green, thin leaves in the background are an early type of green common in the late Qing and early republic period. To me it looks as if there may have been something painted including these leaves, that was later covered with the lotus. I doubt that it is accidental that the leaves and lotus flowers are covering just those places, where these olive leaves would be more plenty. In other words, I think that the vase could be early republic, but the original painting had faded or was for some other reason over-painted. The lotus leaves and flowers may be positioned in a way that they are covering the original design. The stems of the highest flower and leaf quite obviously seem to be concealing  the thin leaves behind.
The red writing would fit into this picture (it is old), but not sure about the black one.


Thank you Peter. A very interesting view on this object

Greetings Jan