Chinese Figurines old or not ?

Started by Jrfinds, Jan 08, 2016, 00:12:03

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Hello again, I like to know is one of these figurines are old and about time was made ? I asking this because one porcelain look different then the other, The lady look older . Is there away to fined out about the lady with no marks, it look like she have a mark in black but is hard to see . they are about 5" tall the lady colors are real nice and the man is OK. also what is the meaning of these figurines? the man is in water I think and lady is just a lady with nice colors, is there a meaning for them? Why is the porcelain on the lady look different ? If you can tell me anything about these figurine will help a lot. Thank you


Marked Huang Xiang Ji, possibly a porcelain workshop name. Republic period.


Do you know if the lady old porcelain peterp ? I asking because the porcelain on the man is real white and the lady little darker, are they from same time? you always been helpful Thank you


You can not rely on that with 20th century post-Qing items. If you mean the bottom with yellow, that looks as if something is present on the clay that is not there with the other one. It could also be that the content of the clay is different, causing that color.