Kutani Lamp/Vase

Started by kardinalisimo, Oct 01, 2015, 09:38:32

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Recent, old? Too bad someone totally ruined the mark with the sloppy hole on the bottom.




Nice vase, I recently bought a Kutani vase that was made into a lamp, beautiful piece, the art work is amazing, I took it apart and am displaying is as an object of art, which it is, I think a nicer wood stand on yours would do justice to your vase.


Thanks for reply Stan.
Any idea what the mark could be? What do you think about the age?
Also, have you seen that decoration with the relief crossed pattern and the black ground?


I have an older Satsuma vase unsigned that has this basket weave pattern all over the entire vase and then the decoration was painted on top of the weave, it is a rare pattern, yours looks like late 19th century to early 20th century.

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