Fake Bottom.

Started by Stan, Mar 05, 2014, 01:14:52

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Hi Peter, I was following an auction on Ebay, the seller is juice1499, He dose get nice Chinese antique porcelain, last night I watched his auction, This vase sold for $41,0100.00 US dollars, I could not believe it, the seller even said that the bottom had been ground down and the mark was probably grounded off, but I think that there was a large hole in the bottom from being a lamp, he had several items with large holes in the bottom, this also has a crack at the top, but if you look at the bottom you can where the blue is around the inside edge where a new bottom was installed, the blue color on the bottom dose not match anything on the vase it self, also several other items sold for top dollar, but this with an apparent inside bottom replacement was truly amazing. From Stan. I will post more pictures.


Here are the rest of the photo's of the auctioned vase. I believe that this vase is from the Guangxu period, the decoration, the transparent colors and the shape. but in my opinion a vase that has been altered is from when it was altered last, that is a lot of money for an altered vase.


The vase looks old, that is for sure. But the glue inside the neck and the bottom really could be signs of a lamp. Grinding off the glaze at the bottom does also happen, but usually more often than not for removing a mark.
I would think in such a case the best would be a hands-on inspection, feeling for differences that they eyes do not see, and inspecting it (the bottom) with a magnifier.
I agree, that is a stiff price for a repaired item. Probably went to China. Those having antique businesses there say price is no problem as long as an item is authentic.

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