Large Jar Enamel Painted Storks Birds Flowers ....

Started by kardinalisimo, Mar 04, 2014, 07:15:04

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I know that the reign mark has nothing to do with the actual age of the piece but wonder if it is recent or older reproduction. Are the decoration and the paints simulating Republic Period style?
Also, on the inside of the bottom there are some very raised bubbles. Are those firing flaws?


The colors used and the thick enamel point rather to the second half of the 20th century. Not sure from when this exactly is, though. Could be vintage, or even younger. I think such items are still being made.


Actually, is this a jar? Lid missing?
I have a problem when I see thick enamel paints. Do they necessary mean second half 20th? How back in time they go, Republic, Late Qing?


Yes, lid is missing. Enamels of this thickness are found on Guangxu footed bowls that are simple, , unappealing. When really old items show this thick decoration they are always suspect of overpainting. The thick enamels could hide an existing older decoration. Enamels of this thickness only became popular much later. They are "likely" from the later time, because they were more popular, or frequently found, then. This is an assumption.
But they cannot be Qing or early republic.

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