Famille Rose Three Tiered Dish Set

Started by Garrett, May 28, 2015, 01:56:36

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Hey guys

Picked this up at an estate sale for 8 dollars. It looks to have age but I think it would be Republic. I do not know much about these specialty pieces since this is the first time I've run across a piece like this. Any information is appreciated.



Republic should be right. Not sure  when exactly, though. There is one piece missing. Usually there are four bowls plus the lid. Here the lid looks a bit large. Does it just look this way in the photograph, or if it is a replacement taken from a similarly painted, slightly larger set. The rim should not protrude more than perhaps 5mm. Strings are passed through all the 'ears' allowing to lift the whole thing for carrying.


I thought there might be a piece missing due to the foot rim on the bottom dish having the same shape as the top two bowls. The lid only protrudes almost 5mm, give or take 1-1.5 mm. The design for both the lid and the bowls are identical in style and texture, from what I can tell. Ironically, the underside of the lid looks to have more age than either of the bottoms of the bowls.


You cannot rely on the foot rim shape for concluding which one is missing. With some the foot rim of the bottom bowl has indeed a different shape, but there also many which are complete, and yet the foot rim of each box is the same. Full interchangeability...