My mother bought this in a charity

Started by carlosmunar, May 20, 2015, 14:15:58

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Hello fellows,

Mother bought this in a charity and insist to give it to my mother in law for her birthday (May 26th). However, I am not sure it is worth. Nevertheless, I could not convince her  even though there is no brand on the bottom neither chinese writing anywhere.

The vase has two (more or less) symmetric scenes and two of kind of gold mandala drawings 

It is 48cm Height, 25cm diameter, 8cm neck and quiet light.

I wouldn't bother you guys if it wasn't for the upper side. This is the only surface that has porcelain brightness and its thickness gives the vase a sensation of lightness.

Would you help me please, so that my mother does not make fool of herself ?

Thank you



The motif and shape are both Japanese. Try uploading a picture of the bottom; this sometimes can provide more information.


Hi, the decoration looks to me as if it is a modern Chinese imitation of Japanese style. There are lots of these vases available in charity shops...


Thank you Matt, Thank you Peter

Mom is really disappointed she's been deceived. Now, I'm trying to convince her that probably the vase is worth the $50 boxes she paid.

I did as you said and uploaded pics of the bottom and better definition version of the previous pics.

Have a great day!


Sorry, this are the right links

I really appreciate your help

Have a great day



I can't tell on the bottom if the bottom is flat or if there is a foot rim or concave in this picture, if you could take one at an angle it should give us the correct shape, thanks.


Also Carlos, if you could take a close up picture that is clear, all your photo's are blurry, on Satsuma ware there would be a crackle glaze through out with a yellowish hew to it, and it would be made of a stoneware material, not porcelain, if it is a Chinese made item and made of porcelain it would have a high ring tone when you click it with your finger, if it has a dull ring tone it would be stone ware and if the bottom is flat it would not be traditional Japanese.



Effectively there is a little concave in the bottom (5mm); but the click ring tone it's kind of dull compared with the tone of the upside. Indeed, I have nothing to compare with.

The look, according with your description seems to be stoneware. Regarding . It may be stoneware.

I've also noticed two things:

1) it has suffered a polish process to get a flat surface on the bottom.
2) all geometric designs are on high relief
3) the gold painting looks to be randomly handmade.

However, I'm uploading a better quality pic (I've also included one of the inside) for you to double check.

Thank to you Stan and all fellows



I've almost forgotten. Regarding the yellowish glaze hue it's there, but it is not crackled. 


The picture of the inside looks like it has a crackle in the glaze close to the top, Satsuma earthenware would have a consistent crackle through out the whole vase, inside and out, the bottom is not a traditional Japanese bottom, I only know of the Chinese that did bottoms like this, I am in agreement with Mat, I think this is made in China in the Satsuma style.


Thank you Stan thank you Mar I really appreciate your help.

I?ve  read everything to Mother and she finally understood that antique chinese vases sold for $50 dollars on charities are just TV entertainment stories. Now we will buy a real present to mother-in-law 70th anniversary. 

Now, she wants to give it to me, but we have small kids playing around and it is very alike it will got broken sooner or later. If it cost $50 we might accept it but if it is worth more then that we better do not.

We both don't want hurt Mom feelings but have no clue of its actual cost.




I think you can risk it, I really do not think it is worth more than the price your mother paid...

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