Need help on Finding the year and Maker of this Antique Tea pot with a Foo Dog l

Started by KsCannons, May 22, 2015, 06:22:28

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Hi You all i need some help for ID'ing this Teapot i got it from my Dad/Inherited it when he passed away on May 5th and i had to take a train up to NH from Kansas. And believe it or not i missed the train that had crashed because i got a earlier one and thank god for that I'd say

So when i got to NH i pack up the Van he had and drove back to Kansas and that took 4 Days what a drive i ran into nothing but construction and bad weather all the way

Well attached are the Pictures of the Tea Pot it is approx 10" high and 1.5" in depth by 5" wide


This is an ewer in the shape of the longevity character (?) it seems. The Kangxi mark is problably not of the period. Would need some closeups of the decoration (partial) and the bottom. Most likely it is from the late Qing dynasty or early republic period.


Thanks You all
I just found one like it it is from the Republic period i assume from the info i found at this link this one is very close to mine Its kind of cool also check it out at the link below thanks again Austin

Chinese Shou Character Teapot, Republic Period

[link removed - admin]


Hello Peterp  thanks for your reply to my post i was able to find one like it thanks Austin have a great evening
