Miniature Hand Painted Porcelain Vase

Started by kardinalisimo, Feb 28, 2014, 12:06:46

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It is only 5 1/4 tall. Any help with the mark, the writings and age?


The cyclical year given on the vase is either 1923 or 1983. The painting style is at least early republic.


Is the red mark on the bottom the year? There is a red seal mark under the poem but don't know if it will tell anything.
So, what is your opinion on the age? Republic or later?
Any specific name for this type of the vase shape? 
Thanks in advance!


I cannot read the left character on the bottom. It is too much modified to make it pictorial.
The signature is "??", that would be Xiong Fu-qing, an early republic painter. Although the writing resembles his, not sure if the painting style is the same.

In chinese this is called a garlic vase because of the shape of the top end of the vase.


Thanks Peter.
That left character looks like ladybug to me :)
I found a plaque by Xiong Fu-qing and seems like his seal is different from the one on the vase.