2 Fencai Ornaments

Started by kardinalisimo, Apr 06, 2015, 12:38:20

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Were those made from shards or specifically like that?
Can't check the backs because they are glued to boards.
Republic or later?


Republic. The top one is probably later than the other.


I have a couple vases that have crackle in the white areas that was painted on top of the off white ground, it is slightly raised, a white enamel I suppose, but I think these might be Republic also the faces on mine look similar, is this a trait in the later republic pieces?


Some colors/enamels develop crazing more easily than others. Depends on the case.


I realize that Peter, about the color crazing on certain colors but it seems to me that I have been seeing a lot of the white enamel crazing lately, more than usual it seems, I can't remember seeing it on 19th century or early republic.

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