Hard to read

Started by Jrfinds, Mar 02, 2015, 18:17:18

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Here one can you tell me if seen this mark before? It's hard to read but the other is hard to see, i circle it in red, I think this Japanese ?


I would say that this could be arita porcelain made in Japan


The base looks Japanese, as does the seal mark.


Have any one seen a bowl like this before and what is it call and how old would it be ?


Looks like a rice bowl, more than likely made in the Arita kiln late 19th century to early 20 century.


It is not a rice bowl, exactly, but used for food. Basically, when you eat in Japan you have a bowl of rice, a lidded bowl of soup, and one or more dishes of shallow bowls for the vegetables, fish, pickles, etc. This one would be used for the latter (not the pickles, which are usually smaller). They take all sorts of shapes, many are rectangular or shaped in ways you don't find elsewhere.

Could it be early 20th century? Taisho era?


thanks Peter for explaining the use of this bowl, I thought 19th century because of the dimple in the glaze and the hair line crack that I can see makes it look older to me, I suppose it could be Taisho era, the iris on the front is not what you would expect on late Meiji.


It was just a question, Stan. I do not know enough about Japanese porcelain to date it.


Well Peter you have an advantage, you have lived in Japan and have a good knowledge of the customs and you are also very modest, some Japanese porcelain is hard to age because the Japanese have been using irregular shapes all through their history and free flow of design, this bowl looks like it would have been used for the common folks, not export, and the pictures of the bowl are not the greatest, and so I can't tell if the blue color used is older, so I am just going by the porcelain and the foot itself.


I want to thank both of you for all your help,


Here a better picture of the blue color on the bowl . i was told it could be 17th to late 18th arita. Thanks for your help !


Hi Victor, during the 17th and 18 centuries and to the mid 19th century the Japanese did not mark their porcelain and if they did it would have been a very special piece for the wealthy or marked for the emperor or high officials and even then was it seldom marked, they did not start marking their porcelain on a regular base until 1868, I believe that is this time the U.S made imported wares to be marked, and it was from that period on, anything that is marked is always suspicious from earlier on because they just did not mark things like the Chinese did, I think your bowl is late 19th century because of the mark and possibly later.


i really thank you for your help i believe you .