Guangxu 100 butterfly vase

Started by Stan, Jan 06, 2014, 14:33:43

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Hi peter, I came across another vase that I believe the mark and vase is of the period, I am thinking of purchasing it, and would like your opinion, I uploaded pictures on photo bucket for you and anyone else that would like to view them, thank you for taking the time to evaluate the authenticity, from stan, the address is " "


Stan, let's see if someone else knows this better.

Personally, I would not buy it.  My reasons:
1.There are many such vases auctioned/sold in China than elsewhere. In the west these seem to be comparatively rare.
2. The mark looks darker than red marks usually are.
3. Some butterflies and the decoration along the base are painted in stronger colors than usual. That could be because some were repainted, or because newer (modern) colors were used.
4. Some butterflies look relatively crudely painted, in thick enamels. In this type of ware I would expect them to be finely painted, very delicate, and with thin enamel.
5. Did you note that the gilt ring above the butterflies looks as if it was intentionally rubbed or abraded?
Too many questionable points for my taste.



Hi Peter, that was my main concern, the colors seem to be brighter and stronger than the ones shown at Christies auction, past lots, thank you, I think I will pass on this he wants lot of money for it.