Song bowl emobossed in dragon/phoenix/lotus

Started by huawai, Jan 21, 2015, 04:19:53

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Dear Sir or Madam,
I got this from my father. It's supposedly been authenticated to be from the Song Dynasty era. But I'd like to get a second opinion. Your help is much appreciated!


I cannot see anything that points to Song dynasty.
Yes, obviously it was fired upside down, like some bowls in those times, but the rest is not in conformity. The unglazed area is usually not that broad.
1. I cannot say for sure if that shape did exist at all, but it is very uncommon. Song bowls usually had a small base and were deeper. This shape would be unlikely from that period.
2. The light color is quite improbable for Song wares.
3. I have doubts about the decoration. Specifically the decoration band near the rim (???. I do not remember to have seen this on Song porcelain, but even if it did exist at all, the way of linking them in pairs started in the Ming dynasty.
4. The foot rim points to a Qing dynasty item or later.
5. No age signs at all after 800 years?

In my view this all looks too new and is probably a more recent item.