Can anyone tell me anything about my Imari Meiping vase's pattern?

Started by binnieo, Jan 14, 2015, 03:05:23

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I bought when younger? loved the pattern. It's cobalt blue/gold/orangish/white pattern with flat looking flowers and intricate patterns on these horizontal like panels. It's stamped and has some hand written mark also an "X" on bottom. I tried to post pic but said "error file too large" over and over. Just would like to know more about the vase. Any help appreciated saw one bowl with similar decoration but that's it. Looks very un-Chinese to me, i.e. no dragons, men, women. Has flat petaled flowers that look stylized. Thanks for any feedback.


trying to figure out how to get a pic w/o it being too large a file. I'll attempt with my iPad. Thanks for any help?


on your iPad when you click on your photo there should be at the top what says tool, click on that and then adjust size.


Thanks Stan? However, either I'm too inept or "tool" is missing on my iPad. Trying Raw setting on camera. Crossing my fingers this works. Thanks so much. Nope didn't work! I'm frustrated to say the least. I'll try to get my friend to help? picture coming soon.



The mark is a spurious Qianlong mark, the shape is Chinese  and the decoration looks like Japanese but the bright gold would make it 20th century, the flowers are chrysanthemums and this is a typical decoration for Japanese porcelain the Chrysanthemum is an Imperial symbol for the Japanese, this could be mid 20th century or later in my opinion.


Stan - Thank you! I've always loved this vase and spurious is ok with me? It's hand done glazing (I used to throw on the wheel) and someone with talent went to great lengths to make my fake. I only now wish I knew its background?it's becoming more interesting. I bought it from a shop, long ago, that bought out failing businesses and would open shop when they had enough to fill the store. Luckily, this was marked down to $50 or I wouldn't have been able to afford it when I was in my 20's, ha.


Biennia, I don't think this is fake, the Chinese often used spurious marks on their porcelain and here they choose a Japanese decoration maybe for export to Japan.


Ah, Stan, this makes more sense. Even 30 years ago the store originally wanted $100 for the vase. When it went to $50 I bought it. The bottom of my vase looks like it had a seal that broke off (just guessing on that because I have bought antique Chinese furniture with a similar official red seal). Just for decorating home. Also, the "passed" sticker you see on the bottom of vase implies to me that this item was leaving and was officially inspected by someone. I have been told true antiques leaving China (legally) must have seal and be inspected. I was told this by a person who bought antique Chinese furniture. So, believed him (He was a friend of a friend, why not? ha)
Just wish I would find a pic of a similar styled vase like mine?surely someone made more, no?
One more question - Can you tell me what this symbol means? Sending pic. Thanks to all.


China always used wax seal marks on new and old porcelain that was exported, I think they are still using them not sure about that though, and the mark I do not recognize, maybe peter can help.


Thanks, Stan. Agree they are still using the red seals on exports?well, at least antique furniture, and in the last 5 years. FWIW: Since I've been on this board I have looked at some stunning pieces of antique Chinese pottery and have learned a lot by reading the
site's info on Chinese pottery. Thanks to whomever that took the time to do this.


It has a spurious Qianlong mark.

>?surely someone made more, no?

Not so sure about that. There are a lot of small shops that make fakes and new items, probably also in lower quantities.

Anyway, as Stan already indicated, a Chinese mark and Japanese decoration is a bit queer.


Thanks Peter and Stan? Appreciate everything you have written to me; all makes sense?
I guess I'll continue the search for info (probably in vain) on my odd Japanese styled spurious Chinese vase from wherever?if anything turns up I'll post. B